Posts Tagged ‘absolute bliss’

This is part-II of the series ‘The Quest’. First part can be accessed here (Part I)

In earlier post I tried to show the complex side of ‘The Quest’ – Search of the meaning, in this post I am making a humble attempt to see the simpler side (though through a bit complex explanation).

At the grassroot, it is somewhat apparent that the ultimate aim (as stated in religious scriptures, Vedanta, philosophy, etc.) is the state of bliss! Absolute happiness!

If you refuse to believe what you have not seen and experienced yourself, you should dwelve into your past experiences and see what has brought you a good amount of happiness if not absolute bliss. And how can you identify such experiences than other infinite experiences you have had – It’s by observing emotions. Such moments evoke extreme emotions within. You would still remember them vividly, no matter when they actually happened.

If I were to list some such experiences (purely personal view based on my personal experiences):
1. Extreme performances by others in sports, arts, music, work, etc. – Kind of things that touch your heart within, where it is apparent that nothing better could have been achieved and when personal excellence and divinity manifests in person through his act.
2. Perfection at work – when you have performed to best of your capabilities and are convinced that it’s the best that you have achieved. When output is beyond any compromise.
3. Acts of humanity and selfless service – When you get touched by sincere concerns of people around. When you see people helping others selflessly. When you see/read in Schindler’s list that ‘He who saves a single life, saves the entire world’.
4. Acts and examples of grit, determination – When you set a clear goal and failures after failures you still continue to pursue that and eventually you achieve it.
5. Sudden relief of prolonged stress – Mostly happens when you have lot at stake and when you want something from deep within (passion) like positive examination result where you have prepared for years, successful surgery in case of complicated medical condition
6. When you enter into the ‘flow’ psychological state – When you are absolutely absorbed in activity at hand and loose sense of time and space like playing video games, painting, arts, etc. (Wiki: Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person in an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity)

Well, I can list few more but don’t think it’s needed any more, as I can now clearly see the pattern emerging.

Is it so that the things that really matters (to reach that blissful state) are – humanity (pts 3 and 5 above) and personal excellence (pts 1,2,4, 5 and 6)

A. Serve humanity – selflessly – do good to others – save a life – save the world – till there is even a single being hungry in your premises, your whole religion is to feed him (Adapted from Swami Vivekananda) – Vedanta
B. Personal excellence/perfection – Achieve your highest potential – be the best you can – squeeze out all good within – be productive – don’t stop – don’t give in – don’t submit – use all your forces – be ONE with your work – to attain this you need to be loving what you are doing – so listen to your heart – give your best without any expectation – Karma yoga – Philosophy – Vedanta

Cannot we see it all emerging (and converging)? – Everything leads us towards the same pattern, doesn’t matter how we attempt to understand/explain this – bottom-up or top-down; choose what suits you best. ‘The Truth’ emerges from one source ‘the heart’ and converges into another one ‘the perfection’, ‘Perfection’ which can also be called manifestation of the Truth.

[On a side note: The aim and nature of whole existence is to move towards absolute perfection, as we can see in evolution of species, cultures, etc. (ref: ‘The powers of the mind’, Complete works of Swami Vivekananda on Wiki, a must read).]

So true, you can reach perfection only/mostly in things where you have got a lot of interest i.e. where your heart lies. In hindsight this looks so obvious.

It’s complicated yet so simple! Isn’t it!?

‘Listen to your heart!’

Keep It Simple Stupid! (KISS)